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Ongoing DroneMobile Promotions
Free 30-Day TrialGet a free trial for any new Drone product you purchase! Upon installation, register your new device to your account, and 30-days of free DroneMobile Premium will be added to that device.
Active/Retired Military and First RespondersThank you for your service! Please complete this form at with your identification information, along with your DroneMobile username and we will send you a unique coupon code for 10% off!
Medical WorkersWe appreciate your hard work and dedication. Please complete this form at with your worker identification information, along with your DroneMobile username and we will send you a unique coupon code for 10% off!
Promotion FAQs
How do I purchase a DroneMobile subscription?
Do I get a free trial with my DroneMobile subscription?
Does DroneMobile offer military/first-responders/medical workers discounts?